We invite all independent inventors to explore our entire site and follow us on Facebook, but first let’s answer the questions that brought you here today.
AON Invent’s landing page is a living, almost-breathing page that is influenced by the questions we receive from the people we strive to serve – independent inventors like you.
Nearly 500 of our product innovations and inventor-collaborations have made it to the selves of major retailers, since we first opened our doors, in January of 2013.
We have done this without incurring any customer complaints, litigious actions or (believe it or not) even one single refund request from our customers, for the services we provided. The Better Business Bureau has NEVER received a complaint on us… not one! Check it out for yourself: BBB.org
What makes our approach different?
We live by a simple rule. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? We treat people the way we want to be treated, which means our services have to make sense for you – the independent inventor, before we allow them to make dollars for us.” Corny? Maybe, but that’s how we roll, and we make no apologies for it.
Our team of experts is the best of the best and has decades of invaluable experience in all facets of the retail, consumer goods and product-development industries.
We will never try to sell you a service that you don’t need or sell you a service before you need it. Most independent inventors are eager to start the patent process, but starting that journey too early can be expensive and wasteful. So please don’t get mad at us if after reviewing your concept, our panel feels the world isn’t quite ready for your product, or suggests changes or even suggests that you save your money for your next idea, rather investing your money in the one you are currently working on. (Honesty can be kind of tough sometimes, but it is still the best policy.)
The more you learn about AON Invent, the more you will agree that we are the independent inventor’s best friend.
For more than a decade, 93% of inventors who have used our FREE Step 1 Innovation Guide, discovered critical flaws and competitive conflicts with their inventions. This saved each of those individuals thousands of dollars and helped us demonstrate our commitment to the American inventor.