SnappDown™ Pallet is an innovative merchandising system that was developed and brought to market by AON Invent. This product addresses three key areas that big box retailers are constantly looking to improve in:
1) It increases safety in the store by covering up the raw pallet.
2) It dramatically decreases the labor hours required to set up displays.
3) It increases sales while a) achieving added safety and b) decreasing labor costs.
The SnappDown pallet system has been purchased by IGD Display of Chicago. For more information, contact Mark Kreymborg at 479-877-9525 or visit their website:
The City Wire newspaper recently published an article dedicated to the SnappDown™ Pallet Merchandising System:
“When customers wheel their carts through Walmart, checking their lists and making sure they have everything they need, the average customer is probably not aware of display design or neatness.
However, anecdotal marketing research indicates that visually appealing marketing displays help increase sales for the brand and the store overall. The inverse is also true in that shoddy or boring displays can damage sales because it leaves a negative impression of the brand in the customer’s mind.”
Do you have a product that is ready to go the next level? AON Invent is here to come alongside you, evaluate your product, answer your questions, address any concerns, and get things in place to help get your product licensed and out to market! Read all about our 3-step process here