The Flush-down toilet seat closer – A great invention just got a whole lot better
By Larry Robertson, CEO | For and about inventors
The modern toilet just became a lot more modern. The flush-down toilet seat closer by AON Invent
By Larry Robertson, CEO | For and about inventors
The modern toilet just became a lot more modern. The flush-down toilet seat closer by AON Invent
By Larry Robertson, CEO | Viewpoints and perspectives on innovation
While the retail industry has been investing billions to develop technologies to improve the speed and efficiency of customer transactions, AON Invent has been collaborating with every-day consumers and independent inventors on four continents to develop new and innovative products for them to sell. After all, who knows more about the “stuff” people want to buy, than […]
By Larry Robertson, CEO | Competitive Issues
“The one thing that ceases to exist the moment it is shared.” Many retailers see “private label” as their competitive advantage protecting their consumables margin, but what about broader categories of general merchandise? Brick-and-mortar retailers need proprietary innovation in all categories and lots of it. This is no secret. All retailers and CPGs realize that […]
By Dr. Steve Caldwell, PhD | Steve Caldwell Series
We began this series with the assumption that “perceptions of risk matter”. We noted that risk is complex. When you wish to change someone else’s behavior (essential for sales), you try to affect their situation as YOU see it. But this is not enough. You must also influence how THEY “see” the situation. After all, […]
By Dr. Steve Caldwell, PhD | Steve Caldwell Series
Retail is about selling products, right? Well… sure but maintaining a healthy market is a bit more complicated and requires that exchange to remain balanced. Once that balance is disrupted, one party will eventually terminate the relationship. Peter Drucker said, “the purpose of a business is to create customers, profit simply validates the business model.” There’s no […]
By Dr. Steve Caldwell, PhD | Steve Caldwell Series
Many people consider innovation and invention to be synonymous. Strategic discussions between retailers and suppliers of “consumer packaged goods” (CPGs) often include conversations about the importance of product innovation. While these companies realize they must innovate to remain relevant, their management may hesitate to implement the necessary change, especially if they have been conditioned to […]