
Category Archives for "blog"

Sep 30

Ask Larry: An Inventor’s Next Step

By Melinda Martin | For and about inventors

At AON Invent, we love to answer questions from inventors. Most of those questions have to do with invention evaluation, product evaluation process for existing products and suggestions for an inventor’s next step. Here’s an example of a recent inquiry from an inventor asking about what her next step should be and how the product evaluation process works. […]

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Jul 29

Inventor Assistance

By Melinda Martin | For and about inventors

Inventor assistance is the crux of our business! Below is an email that was sent to us by Mack in Oregon, who has an invention that is ready for market. But how does he get it there? That’s where we come in. I am happy to say that, although I can’t reveal the product yet, […]

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Jul 11

Taking Your Idea to the Next Level

By Melinda Martin | For and about inventors

First Step to InventingIn this 9 minute video, Andrew and Larry talk about the very important, first step in the invention process. It all begins by resisting the temptation to jump ahead or skip the self-assessment process altogether. After all, you already know your idea is golden. Right? Because if you didn’t believe in your […]

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