
Category Archives for "blog"

May 17

Myth #4: Retail is just about selling products

By Dr. Steve Caldwell, PhD | Steve Caldwell Series

Retail is about selling products, right? Well… sure but maintaining a healthy market is a bit more complicated and requires that exchange to remain balanced. Once that balance is disrupted, one party will eventually terminate the relationship. Peter Drucker said, “the purpose of a business is to create customers, profit simply validates the business model.” There’s no […]

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May 08

Myth #3: Innovation is Invention

By Dr. Steve Caldwell, PhD | Steve Caldwell Series

Many people consider innovation and invention to be synonymous.  Strategic discussions between retailers and suppliers of “consumer packaged goods” (CPGs) often include conversations about the importance of product innovation. While these companies realize they must innovate to remain relevant, their management may hesitate to implement the necessary change, especially if they have been conditioned to […]

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