
Taking inventions to market



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Taking Inventions to Market

Taking inventions to market is never easy. It is always a major challenge, even if you are a master of all the steps in the process. But AON Invent is dedicated to helping inventors improve their odds by getting viable concepts in front of companies that are actively seeking innovative products. Our collaboration with independent inventors, is changing the way American innovation goes to market. It is also setting a new standard for ethics in the invention service and submission industry.

Have you had a chance to check out our blog? It’s chock-full of interesting stories about inventing, the steps in the invention and product development process, and taking inventions to market. We share insightful viewpoints of industry professionals, on the topics inventors want and need to know about. Check it out when you have a chance and let us know if there’s a topic you’d like us to add to our blog archive.

Hard Work. Honest Advice. 

My idea is great! Why do I need AON Invent?

Not everyone needs help taking their invention to market. New products make it to market every day in America. However, it is estimated that for every commercial success, there are hundreds that will never amount to more than an expensive paperweight. We help many people by rejecting those ideas that seem destined to fail, preventing these inventors from wasting huge amounts of money on consumer product development services, so they can move on to their next invention.

Why do first-time inventors usually fail?

Very often, first-time inventors focuses on the process of protecting their idea with a patent, while giving very little thought to what their next step should be. When you consider the time and expense involved in getting a patent, (which is not always needed to begin with) added to the fact that more than half of all patent applications are denied by the USPTO, receiving a patent approval is certainly a milestone, but it is often the easiest part of the process of turning an idea into a commercially successful product. Like most any endeavor, there are many benefits to working with a team that really knows the ropes.

A consumer product development service with years of experience like ALL Product Design and a seasoned invention development service and invention licensing service like AON Invent… and we’re accessible. Just give us a call to see for yourself: 479-855-6699

Why do great ideas sometimes fail?

Failure is not reserved exclusively for bad ideas. Even the best ideas in the world have no intrinsic value. Value is created only by developing an idea into a tangible product or service that solves problems and enhances the lives of others. But none of that matters unless the consumer is made aware of the product and has an opportunity to purchase it in a convenient manner at a price-point that represents an acceptable perceived value.

So what does AON do?

In short, we sell TRUTH. Our first goal is to help you to evaluate your invention yourself, before you spend a penny with us or anyone else. If your self-evaluation is encouraging, and you choose to take the next step with AON Invent, we will enter into a mutual non-disclosure agreement and schedule a 20-minute consultation with one of our consumer product experts.

What happens next?

After your consultation call, our consultant will prepare a report that will be used by our staff and management to evaluate your invention and help you determine your next step. Oftentimes our suggestion is to “hang on to your money” or “head back to the drawing board to flesh-out your design.” All too often we run across inventors who spent tens of thousands of dollars trying to develop a product that had little or no chance of making them a single dollar. We are determined to not let that happen to you!

I have additional questions.

That’s great, because we are here for you! If you want more in-depth answers to the most common questions we receive, check out our FAQ page. If that still doesn’t answer your question, feel free to give us a call.


If you find commercial success with your invention after we have assessed it a 1-star or 2-star concept, whether by developing it yourself or with the aid of another invention service company, AON Invent will publicly congratulate you here on our website and send you a check for five times the amount you paid us for our consultation services.

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Advice for Inventors

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QVC Spouts Contest Winner – PediSand hands-free foot file

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Forget the 1-800-Promises. We Deal in Truth.

Lots of companies are happy to waste your life’s savings on patents and prototypes for inventions with little if any market potential. We will never do that! What we will do is provide solid advice from experts who really understand what it takes to get innovations to market. Our process begins by having your concept assessed by a panel of seasoned professionals from the consumer goods and retail industry. Taking innovations to market should always begin with an honest assessment. At AON Invent, we believe the process of taking innovations to market should make sense for the inventor BEFORE is makes dollars for anyone else. Like what you hear? Join us today!
